25 janvier 2011

webkit sous windows

Even though installing and running the development version of WebKit is straightforward on Mac OS X (it is just a matter of downloading the .dmg file and copying the application bundle to /Applications), Windows users may find the task daunting.

But, they should not. Here is how to get WebKit running in four simple steps.

1. Download and install Safari.
2. Download the latest build of WebKit.
3. Unzip the downloaded file and copy the contents to the Safari installation folder. (It is safe to overwrite webkit.dll and the rest of the files.)
4. Execute run-nightly-webkit.cmd once and run Safari from the Start menu as you would normally.

UPDATE: You need to run run-nightly-webkit.cmd at least once, as in step 4.

11 janvier 2011

encryption facile sous Linux gnome seahorse

Seahorse - Encryption Made Easy
Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys. It also integrates with nautilus, gedit and other places for encryption operations.

With seahorse you can...

* Create and manage PGP keys
* Create and manage SSH keys
* Publish and retrieve keys from key servers
* Cache your passphrase so you don't have to keep typing it
* Backup your keys and keyring
* more...

02 janvier 2011

Market for foryo android 2.2 sur archos 70 IT


Youtube sur Archos 70 iT avec android 2.2 Froyo

1. Download, install and start "android terminal emulator" from Market
2. Enter below lines in the app and finish each line with an enter

cd /data/test/froyo/system/app
rm YouTube.apk

3. Close the app (back out) and reboot
4. Download YouTube from Market.