20 octobre 2020

remarkable tablet

 connexion en ssh

SSH Access

reMarkable have kindly enabled ssh access to the device by default after version 2.0.2.*. If you are still on a lower version upgrade now. There are no user accounts so you need to use the root account to log into the device. As this is the Linux superuser account, please be aware that you can break things easily with this account if you aren't careful.

Connecting via ssh

The password for the root account is randomly created by the software on the device when it starts and is visible at the bottom of the Compliance statements in the About section of the reMarkable settings:

  • rM icon at the top left of the home page on the device
    • About
      • Copyrights and licenses
        • General information (Top of column listing various pieces of software)
          • At the bottom of the content window in the bottom right corner of the screen will be a section on GPLv3 Compliance. Towards the bottom of this section should be text that says “To do so, this device acts as an USB ethernet device, and you can connect using the SSH protocol using the username 'root' and the password 'XXXXX'. The IP address available to connect to are listed below:”.

The first IP looking like “” will let you connect with a usb cable. If you're connected to the wifi, a second IP starting with 192.168.* will appear,which enables you to connect wirelessly to your remarkable, using a device on the same network.

ssh root@192.168.x.x

You could also use the default host name “remarkable”.

ssh root@remarkable

You will need an ssh client for your machine, for example putty on a PC, terminal on a Mac or Linux box, chronos shell from a Chromebook (in developer mode). WinSCP can help you transfer files easier from your Windows PC to your reMarkable.

Example from a Chromebook shell (in developer mode) using the first IP:

chronos@localhost ~ $ ssh root@
root@'s password: 
╺━┓┏━╸┏━┓┏━┓   ┏━╸┏━┓┏━┓╻ ╻╻╺┳╸┏━┓┏━┓
┏━┛┣╸ ┣┳┛┃ ┃   ┃╺┓┣┳┛┣━┫┃┏┛┃ ┃ ┣━┫┗━┓
┗━╸┗━╸╹┗╸┗━┛   ┗━┛╹┗╸╹ ╹┗┛ ╹ ╹ ╹ ╹┗━┛
remarkable: ~/

Host alias in .ssh/config

You can set up an alias that's easier to remember by adding the following lines to the .ssh/config file on your computer:

host remarkable
        User root

Setting up ssh-keys

The reMarkable uses dropbear (via busybox) for its ssh server and supports ssh keys (definitely rsa, as there have been some issues with ed25519 SHA256 keys). By doing so, you can save yourself from entering the random password in the future.

On your host machine, generate a ssh-key if you haven't done so already

$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/chronos/user/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/chronos/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/chronos/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:kONWRVsc4pHeO/ObKieTqJO2A6ZdqY5Zv2v+70SaVD0 chronos@localhost
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|         .=oo.   |
|       . o.*.    |
|      + ..+.E    |
|     . + .. ..   |
|      o.S .  .   |
|    o.o. +  +    |
|   +.+ .o... +   |
|  .+o.* ..= . .. |
|  o..+BO.oo=..o. |

With ssh-copy-id

To authorize your host machine on the reMarkable using ssh-copy-id

$ ssh-copy-id root@
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/chronos/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
root@'s password: 

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh 'root@'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

The reMarkable should be accessible to the host machine without providing a password. 


Application remt dans un terminal


`remt` - reMarkable tablet command-line tools. 



 `remt` project features are - reMarkable tablet operations - list files and directories - create directories - export a notebook as PDF file using reMarkable tablet renderer or `remt` project renderer - export an annotated PDF document using reMarkable tablet renderer or `remt` project renderer - import a PDF document - create index of PDF file annotations - interactive selection of files on a tablet using `fzf` command - cache of reMarkable tablet metadata to speed up tablet operations; caching supports multiple devices - `remt` project renderer - supports export of large files and usually produces smaller PDF files comparing to the reMarkable tablet renderer - multi-page notebooks and PDF files - drawing tools (non-implemented drawing tool stroke is shown as a dotted line) - ballpoint (no brush supported yet) - fineliner - sharp pencil with pencil brush - highlighter - eraser - erase area - `remt` project can be used as a library for UI applications What does not work yet - marker - tilt pencil - brush - pencil brush should be more like the one on reMarkable tablet - ballpoint brush should be more like the one on reMarkable tablet Please, use reMarkable firmware version 2.0 or later. 



Create configuration file `~/.config/remt.ini` with contents:: [connection] host= user=root password=<your reMarkable tablet password if not using ssh key> 

Install `remt` project with `pip`, i.e.: $ pip install remt 



Use `remt` command to execute commands on a reMarkable tablet device. 

The summary of the commands can be obtained with `--help` option, i.e.:: $ remt --help 

usage: remt [-h] {ls,mkdir,export,import,index} ... remt 0.7.1 - reMarkable tablet command-line tools optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit subcommands: {ls,mkdir,export,import,index} 

ls list files on the tablet 

mkdir create a directory on the tablet 

export export a notebook or an annotated PDF file from the tablet

 import import a number of PDF files onto the tablet

 index create index of PDF file annotations



 `remt` recognizes highlighter annotations when creating index of PDF file annotations. Some rules - use horizontal lines with highlighter - overlapping horizontal lines are merged - non-horizontal lines are ignored - highlighter is a thick tool and rendering of highlighter depends on rotation of the pencil; ignore the rendering when annotating and - start annotation before first character - end annotation after last character 



Kudos to - https://github.com/phil777/maxio - https://github.com/reHackable/maxio - https://github.com/reHackable/scripts - https://plasma.ninja/blog/devices/remarkable/binary/format/2017/12/26/reMarkable-lines-file-format.html - https://github.com/Samathy/pdfcommentextractor 



This project is *not* an official project of the reMarkable company.



The `remt` project is licensed under terms of GPL license, version 3, see COPYING file for details. As stated in the license, there is no warranty, so any usage is on your own risk. .. image:: examples/rm.png

Répertoire dans la structure de fichiers


Getting Access

  1. On your ReMarkable go to Settings/About/Copyrights and Licenses/General Information
  2. Under GPLv3 Compliance note the username (default = root) and password (its possible to change the password later)
  3. Note the IP Address depending on how you want to connect to your device (USB is easier)
    • USB: is the default Address (It’s the same for the USB webinterface)
    • WIFI: The other IP Address
  4. Connect via a SFTP Client (I recommend FileZilla) to the ReMarkable using the before noted IP Address, username and password (It has to be via SFTP not FTP. The Tablet currently only supports a SSH connection and SFTP is a FileTransferProtocol based on SSH)


There are several interesting or useful files to note:

  • /home/root/.bashrc (containing variable and color declarations. Can safely be removed as it is not used)
  • /home/root/.config/remarkable/xochitl.conf (Settings, ssh password, safed wifi networks)
  • /usr/share/remarkable (All Splashscreens, Templates and WebUI files)
  • /home/root/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl (Notebooks, cached PNG representation of the pages, PDF files, and metadata allowing to identify which files belong to which document/notebook, thanks /u/stucule)


SSH Password

One easy configuration is changing the ssh password for easier connection. Just change the DeveloperPassword variable in /home/root/.config/remarkable/xochitl.conf to your new password.




Under /usr/share/remarkable and /usr/share/remarkable-shutdown are all Splashscreens located. These are just png files that are displayed (i.e. the shutdown or sleeping screen). Note that all pngs concerning the shutdown are stored 2 times, if you change one you also want to change the other.
Now you could draw up your own version and replace it (Remember to back up all the files).

My sleeping screen for instance has this as background:



01 juin 2020

English tips for French natives - common pitfals


make : faire si on construit/fabrique réellement quelque chose (exception to make a mistake)
to have a party, to make a cake
faire = to do, to make or to have

good vs right
good bad
right false  right password or right answer

diner = restaurant ou client d'un restaurant
dinner = repas

chateau or castle or palace = château fort, château résidentiel à la française (Chambord), palais royal
steak rare = steak saignant  not bloody
steak medium = à point
well-done = bien cuit

dairy (nom et adjectif) = laitier et produits laitiers (et pas milky products)
gluten and dairy free food
funny qui fait rigoler, rigolo an amusing comedy show could be funny not a concert
fun  you have fun at a concert (qui procure du plaisir, fun)
shade = ombre qui vous protège du soleil, nuances
shadow = ombre (projection d'un objet par le soleil)

stranger = étrange bizarre, inconnu (avec quelque chose de négatif)
foreigner = étranger d'un autre pays

to take metro, subway, underground prendre le métro à Paris (metro), NY (subway) Londres (underground or tube)

hopefully is not luckily thanksfully (optimistic about something in the future - avec un peu de chance)

fat is an adjectif for a person or an animal only (a fat cat)
food can't be fat but  fatty or greasy (the food is fatty  or greasy in a Mac Donald)

sweet and savoury food = nourriture sucrée ou salée (salty food = nourriture trop salée)


proposed vs suggested (proposing to someone = demander en mariage)
proposer = to suggest

eventually = finalement
éventuellement = possibly or potentialy
planning en français se traduit par : schedule or timetable
to plan est un verbe en anglais so I am planning the new meetings with our new collaborators for the end of the month est correct.
email = courriel
mail = courrier postal classique et pas un courriel
coffee = café (la boisson - the drink)
café = café (le bar - the place)

une société commerciiale = company
society = association ou communauté par exemple scientifique

bookshop = librairie
library= bibliothèque

medicine = médicament
doctor = médecin

avocado avocat (le fruit)
lawyer avocat (l'homme de loi)

gourmet (uk) = gastronomique

tax haven = paradis fiscal (not tax heaven)

Résumé or CV (eng) = CV (fr)
résumé (fr) = summary (eng)

expérimenté = experienced (not experimented)
I am a very experienced engineer

being experimented = on fait des expériences à ce sujet

actually = en fait, réellement et pas actuellement. Is it water? No actually it is white wine.

presently = actuellement, présentement

comedian= one man show humoristique de stand up comedy et pas un comédien ou acteur
actor or actress = acteur, actrice, comédien/ne

comprehensive = global

education and well educated : éducation mais uniquement pour l'école "well educated" signifie il a été dans de bonnes écoles.

bien éduqué par leurs parents : they have been raised well or they have been brought up well

le sens du projet = the purpose of the project (ou avoir une vie qui a du sens là aussi on utilise purpose et non pas sense)

but make sens avoir du sens or common sense bon sens

Senseless insenssé


I agree with you = je suis d'accord avec toi/vous (I am agree with you)

to sit or to take an exam = passer un examen
to pass an exam = réussir un examen

It is the 5th of November (et pas we are the 5th of November)
What's the date today?
I am 49= j'ai 49 ans

be quiet = tais toi

I am in = je suis d'accord j'en suis

C'est bon /bien pour moi = it sounds good to me or it suits good to me or it suits me jamais it's good for me

There are three of us = nous sommes trois; ne jamais dire " we are three"
I went to town with my wife   We went to town with my wife

Pronunciation tips

i-de-a  not I D (pronunciation issue)
Psychology (Le p ne se prononce pas)
skeptic (sKèptic)
angry est différent de hungry

no plural  for those words in English (spelling is never with an s):  transport (spending time in transport), fruit, toast (some toast), feedback (a lot of feedback), information (a piece of information, some information, 2 pieces of information), advice, hair.
hairs au pluriel pour des poils hairs on my leg

you miss something
do you miss London?
Does london miss you? (ask London)

How long have you been living in London?
I  have been living in London for two years / since 2018.

Normally = normalement  SSI si on agit selon les règles ou l'habitude
Mais si on veut dire elle arrivera vendredi normalement (juste une fois ce n'est ni une règle ni une habitude she is expected to come on Friday elle vient vendredi normalement.
Normally shops are closed on Monday.

here vs there (je suis là voulant dire je suis arrivé à notre rendez-vous et je t'attends se traduis par  I am here et pas  I am there  (notion de là-bas avec le there anglais)

enough (place dans la phrase, juste après le verbe) : I ate enough food et pas I ate food enough

Majuscule pour : nationalité, jours de la semaine et les mois en anglais et pas en français.

Reading a Balance Sheet (Vocabulary)

backdrop or context = contexte

lender or creditor = créancier, prêteur, bailleur

expedited = accéléré

Balance sheet = bilan

liability = passif (d'un bilan)

petition = requête ou pétition

Board of directors = Conseil d'administration

Director = administrateur

RSA = Restructuring Support Agreement

16 mai 2020

Controleur unifi sous archlinux/manjaro

interface graphiqyue sur le contrôleur via navigateur web:

Si un AP est déconnecté
Il faut se connecter sur l'ap concerné :
ssh username@adresseipdelapbloquee
mdp ssh se trouve sur le contrôleur config recherche ssh authentication
Une fois connecté en ssh: syswrapper.sh restore-default
Et voilà il se réenregistre directos

Les mises à jour du contrôleur se font via aur, via la mise à jour du système...

le contrôleur logiciel est un service démarré automatiquement au démarrage de la machine sous archlinux/manjaro
le nom du service est unifi

systemctl status unifi
systemctl restart unifi
stop/start fonctionnent aussi


04 janvier 2020

session texte sous manjaro kde et redémarrage d'un serveur x bloqué

fn + ctrl +alt + F2-6 permet de quitter la session  kde plasma sous manjaro pour avoir une session textuel (

redémarrer la session graphique via la commande: systemctl restart kdm.service

fn +ctrl + alt +F1 permet de revenir à la session graphique plasma tjs sous manjaro kde edition